G 1. Geometry Definitions Chatper 1a
__1. ACUTE ANGLEA. Has no dimension. Usually represented by a small dot
__2. BISECTB. To divide into two congruent parts
__3. COLLINEAR POINTSC. Points that lie on the same line
__4. CONGRUENT ANGLESD. An angle of 90 degrees
__5. COPLANAR POINTSE. Rays on the same line but go on opposite directions
__6. OBTUSE ANGLEF. Angles with the same measure
__7. OPPOSITE RAYSG. An angle with measure between 0 and 90
__8. POINTH. An angle with measure between 90 and 180
__9. RIGHT ANGLEI. An angle of 180 degrees
__10. STRAIGHT ANGLEJ. Points that lie on the same plane
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