Satchmo's Blues
  • 1. Farmers bring fresh fruit and vegetables to town to sell in the ____ market.
A) gravelly
B) produce
C) pawnshop
D) errands
  • 2. Sally's mother asked her to run several ____ for her after school.
A) numerous
B) produce
C) errands
D) gravelly
  • 3. My favorite author has published ____ mystery stories
A) solve
B) numerous
C) produce
D) pawnshop
  • 4. Since Dad's company does business in several countries, his job requires a lot of ____travel.
A) international
B) gravelly
C) translating
D) errands
  • 5. There were many beautiful necklaces and watches displayed in the ____ window.
A) pawnshop
B) errands
C) broken
D) numerous
  • 6. Pam's voice sounded ____ because she had a bad cold.
A) gravelly
B) perfect
C) international
D) produce
  • 7. Why doesn't Louis have a trumpet?
A) Someone stole it.
B) Mama doesn't have any money to buy one.
C) His mama doesn't like trumpets
D) His family lives on Perdido Street.
  • 8. Where does Louis find the horn he wants?
A) on the pie man's wooden cart
B) in a pawnshop window
C) in a discount store
D) in a music shop
  • 9. How does Louis feel when he can't play Santiago's horn?
A) happy
B) relieved
C) nervous
D) suprised
  • 10. Why does Louis go back to the shop where the horn is?
A) His mother tells him to buy the horn.
B) He works there after school
C) The man in the store is friendly.
D) He wants to see if the horn is still there
  • 11. When Louis looks into the mirror and pretends to blow the horn, Mama thinks that he _______.
A) should stop pretending
B) is trying to play high C's
C) looks perfect
D) looks like a fish
  • 12. Which best describes how Louis felt when he saw a parade?
A) surprised
B) bored
C) angry
D) excited
  • 13. Why does Louis do everything he can to earn five dollars?
A) to buy train ticket to chicago
B) to help his mother
C) to buy a horn
D) to get a present for his sister
  • 14. Selling the good part of the onions shows that Louis is _____.
A) sassy
B) lazy
C) clever
D) thoughtful
  • 15. According to the selection, Mara's jambalya is made with real ____.
A) cajun sausage and corn
B) shrimp, crabs, and sausage
C) shrimp, lobster, and onions
D) rice and beans
  • 16. How does Louis's mother help him get the horn?
A) She gets the shop owner to accept $4 for the horn.
B) She gives him a dollar.
C) She finds a job that he can do for the neighbors
D) She buys the horn for him.
  • 17. Louis feels ten feet tall when he leaves the pawnshop because he ____.
A) could play "Dixie Flyer"
B) has a horn of his own
C) pawned his horn
D) bought his sister a birthday present
  • 18. Why did the author write this selection?
A) to show that young Louis had music inside him
B) to explain what jambalya is
C) to teach about the city of New Orleans
D) to explain how an interest in music is important in a child's life.
  • 19. Why is Louis upset when his mother asks him for a quarter to buy food?
  • 20. Do you think Mama really needed Louis's quarter? Tell why or why not. Go back into the story for details.
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