Inv. 1 Quiz - Accentuate the Negative
  • 1. Use a number line to find the sum –8 + (–3).
A) +5
B) -5
C) +11
D) -11
  • 2. Compare |–3| ____ 11.
A) =
B) >
C) <
  • 3. Order the integers from least to greatest. 19, –6, –2, 5, 8
A) –6, –2, 5, 8, 19
B) 8, 5, –6, –2, 19
C) 19, 8, 5, –2, –6
D) –2, –6, 19, 5, 8
  • 4. Compare –3 + (–9) ____ –5 + (-13).
A) >
B) <
C) =
  • 5. Use a number line to find the result of –6 + 2.
A) +4
B) -4
C) +8
D) -8
  • 6. Compare 7 ____ |–3|.
A) =
B) <
C) >
  • 7. Compare –11 ____ –13.
A) <
B) >
C) =
  • 8. Order from least to greatest. –0.25, 0.5, –0.5, 0.25
A) 0.25, 0.5, -0.25, -0.5
B) -0.25, -0.5, 0.5, 0.25
C) -0.5, -0.25, 0.5, 0.25
D) -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5
  • 9. Use an integer to represent 32°F below zero.
A) +31
B) +32
C) –32
D) -31
  • 10. Name the opposite of the integer 9.
A) 9
B) -9
C) 1/9
D) -1/9
  • 11. Use a number line to find the sum –2 + (–8).
A) +6
B) -6
C) -10
D) +10
  • 12. Compare 6.57 ____ 3.61.
A) <
B) >
C) =
  • 13. Compare |–10| ____ –2.
A) <
B) >
C) =
  • 14. Order from least to greatest. 7, 18, 12, –16, –11, 1
A) 1, 12, –16, 7, 18, –11
B) –16, –11, 7, 18, 12, 1
C) 18, 12, 7, 1, –11, –16
D) –16, –11, 1, 7, 12, 18
  • 15. Order from least to greatest. –1.7, –0.13, –1.6, –1.56, –2.54
A) –2.54, –1.7, –1.6, –1.56, –0.13
B) –1.56, –1.7, –0.13, –1.6, –2.54
C) –2.54, –1.6, –1.56, –0.13, –1.7
D) –0.13, –1.56, –1.6, –1.7, –2.54
  • 16. Compare –6 ____ –4.
A) <
B) =
C) >
  • 17. Use a number line to find the sum 5 + 3.
A) +8
B) -2
C) -8
D) +2
  • 18. Use a number line to find the sum of 18 + -27
A) -11
B) +45
C) +9
D) -9
  • 19. Use a number line to find the sum of -8 + 21
A) +29
B) -13
C) -29
D) +13
  • 20. Compare 0 ____ |–4|.
A) <
B) >
C) =
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