SS review voc 2-3
  • 1. I ________ to play ball.
A) the
B) like
C) my
  • 2. Do you like______ little dog?
A) is
B) my
C) can
  • 3. Is _____ my bag?
A) play
B) this
C) look
  • 4. I______ run fast.
A) where
B) can
C) here
  • 5. You can put it ________.
A) here
B) little
C) my
  • 6. She said we can ______tag.
A) play
B) this
C) look
  • 7. Can you go ______ me?
A) are
B) with
C) and
  • 8. I like to run _______ play.
A) and
B) we
C) little
  • 9. I______ a little dog.
A) see
B) with
C) for
  • 10. I will get it ______ you.
A) are
B) my
C) for
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