OLD: Acids/Bases
  • 1. Which is not a property of acids?
A) Acids turn blue litmus red.
B) Acids turn red litmus blue.
C) Acids have a pH of less then 7.
D) These are sour to taste.
E) Acids react with metals and carbonates.
  • 2. Which is not a property of bases?
A) Bases have a pH of more than 7.
B) Bases do not change the color of blue litmus paper.
C) Bases do not react with metals or carbonates.
D) Bases do not change the color of red litmus.
E) These are bitter to taste.
  • 3. Ammonia is found in many household products, such as window cleaners. It turns red litmus blue. What is it?
A) Acidic
B) Neutral
C) Basic
D) None of these options
  • 4. Is distilled water acidic/basic/neutral?
A) Basic
B) Neutral
C) Acidic
  • 5. Indicator is a compound which shows different colors in acidic and basic solutions.
A) True
B) False
  • 6. Tooth decay is caused by the presence of a base. *Think, what does the dentist always tell you not to eat/drink because it rots your teeth*
A) True
B) False
  • 7. An antacid tablet (like Tums) contains a(n)
A) Acid
B) Base
  • 8. Milk of magnesia (helps constipation and was a part of your pH Gizmo lab) contains a(n)
A) Base
B) Acid
  • 9. A bee sting is slightly acidic. What would be a good option to put on the bee sting to neutralize it?
A) Vinegar
B) None of these options
C) Lemon Juice
D) Baking Soda solution
  • 10. A jellyfish sting is slightly basic. What would be a good option to put on the jellyfish sting to neutralize it?
A) Vinegar
B) Dish Soap
C) Oven Cleaner
D) None of these options
  • 11. Blue litmus paper is dipped in a solution. It remains blue. What is the nature of the solution?
A) Basic only
B) Either acid or neutral
C) Acidic only
D) None of these options
E) Either basic or neutral
  • 12. Which of these statements is correct?
A) Change of color in an acid and a base depends on the type of the indicator.
B) If an indicator changes color with a base, it does not change color with an acid.
C) Both acids and bases change color of all indicators.
D) If an indicator gives a color change with an acid, it does not give a change with a base.
E) None of these options
  • 13. Cola (was a part of your pH Gizmo lab) contains a(n)
A) Base
B) Acid
  • 14. What is the pH level of ocean water? (Was a part of your pH Gizmo lab)
A) 9
B) 5
C) 6
D) 8
E) 7
  • 15. What is the pH level of tomato juice? (Was a part of your pH Gizmo lab)
A) 2
B) 9
C) 7
D) 4
E) 11
  • 16. Place these unknown pH test papers in order from most acidic to most basic: (Your pH Gizmo lab may help)
A) B, A, C, D
B) D, C, A, B
C) C, D, A, B
D) D, C, B, A
  • 17. A new mild dish detergent is being tested before putting it on the market. If the new detergent were tested with 0-14 pH test paper, the test strip would most likely turn what color? (Your pH Gizmo lab may help)
A) 2.3
B) 13.2
C) 5.6
D) 8.2
  • 18. Chemicals in the air can combine with rain to produce acid rain, which is harmful to the environment. Which of these is most likely to be the pH of acid rain? (Your pH Gizmo lab may help)
A) 10
B) 4
C) 0
D) 14
  • 19. Based on the materials measured in the pH Gizmo, what is the most likely pH of apple juice?
A) 8.4
B) 11.7
C) 3.9
D) 0.3
  • 20. Suppose you have already compared the pH values of two substances using 0-14 paper. When would a follow-up test using 4.5-7.5 paper be most helpful? (Your pH Gizmo lab may help)
A) when one substance had a pH value of about 5 and the other substance had a pH value of about 7 on the 0-14 paper
B) when both substances had a pH value of about 9 on the 0-14 paper
C) when both substances had a pH value of about 6 on the 0-14 paper
D) when both substances had a pH value of about 3 on the 0-14 paper
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