See How They Run
  • 1. What does the word version mean?
A) doing the same thing over again
B) moving to a new place
C) staying the same forever
D) changing something to fit a new situation
  • 2. Which word means the OPPOSITE of privilege?
A) punishment
B) condition
C) benefit
D) rule
  • 3. Which word means almost the SAME as compromise?
A) struggle
B) fight
C) agree
D) wander
  • 4. What does the word amendments mean?
A) formal changes
B) ways to compromise
C) new ideas
D) different paths
  • 5. Which word means almost the SAME as commitment?
A) comment
B) agreement
C) requirement
D) dedication
  • 6. What is democracy?
A) a type of country
B) the rules of a nation
C) the way people make decisions
D) a system of government
  • 7. Read the dictionary entry below.

    Noun: The act of making rules as laws
    Noun: The laws created by a lawmaking body

    Which of the following words is defined above?
A) compromise
B) amendments
C) democracy
D) legislation
  • 8. What does the word eventually mean?
A) soon
B) in the beginning
C) in the end
D) immediately
  • 9. According to the selection, all of the following governments contributed ideas to the American system EXCEPT
A) thirteenth century Britain.
B) Ancient Egypt.
C) Ancient Greece.
D) Ancient Rome.
  • 10. What are the three branches of government established by the Founding Fathers?
A) constitutional, executive, judicial
B) judicial, legislative, presidential
C) executive, judicial, legislative
D) constitutional, judicial, legislative
  • 11. What is the MAIN idea of the section "Getting Better All the Time" in the selection?
A) The Constitution changes every year.
B) The Constitution is a perfect document.
C) The Constitution has been improved several times.
D) The Constitution includes both good and bad news.
  • 12. What can both kids and grown-ups do on Election Day?
A) write letters
B) cast ballots
C) take a vacation
D) run in elections
  • 13. According to the selection, all of the following are ways you can respond to a community problem or voice a suggestion EXCEPT
A) begin a petition.
B) write a letter or e-mail to a public official.
C) invite a public official to speak at your class.
D) take notes in your journal.
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