  • 1. What is Victoria doing?
A) He's working.
B) She's going to work.
C) She's going to work.
D) I'm answering my English test.
E) She's sleeping.
  • 2. What is Juan doing?
A) He's getting up.
B) He's working.
C) She's going to work.
D) I'm answering my English test.
E) They're having lunch.
  • 3. What are Sue and Tom doing?
A) I'm answering my English test.
B) She's going to work.
C) He's getting up.
D) They're having lunch.
E) He's working.
  • 4. What is Celia doing?
A) They're having lunch.
B) He's having dinner.
C) She's going to work.
D) She's going to work.
E) I'm answering my English test.
  • 5. What are Paul and Ann doing?
A) She is studying Mathematics.
B) She's going to work.
C) They're having lunch.
D) He's getting up.
E) He's having dinner.
  • 6. What is Boris doing?
A) He's getting up.
B) He's working.
C) They're having lunch.
D) She is studying Mathematics.
E) He's watching television.
  • 7. What is Permsak doing?
A) He's watching television.
B) She's sleeping.
C) They're having lunch.
D) She is studying Mathematics.
E) He's having dinner.
  • 8. What is Jim doing?
A) He's having dinner.
B) She is studying Mathematics.
C) She's sleeping.
D) She's going to work.
E) He's watching television.
  • 9. What are you doing?
A) She's sleeping.
B) She is studying Mathematics.
C) She's going to work.
D) He's watching television.
E) I'm answering my English test.
  • 10. What is she doing?
A) He's watching television.
B) I'm answering my English test.
C) She's going to work.
D) She's sleeping.
E) She is studying Mathematics.
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