U1 -- WK2 -- 8.SP.2
  • 1. Most of the data in real life situations is ordered and fits a line with hundred percent accuracy.
  • 2. If the data points are "scattered", then we try to find a line that best fits the data.
  • 3.
A) b
B) d
C) c
D) a
  • 4. A scatter plot is a plot of all the ordered pairs in a table.
  • 5.
A) A
B) D
C) B
D) C
  • 6. Strong positive and negative correlations have data points _____ to the line of best fit.
A) very close
B) far away
C) fairly close
D) from right to left
  • 7. Which is true about this graph?
A) There is no correlation present in this scatterplot.
B) Line 2 is the better line of best fit because it passes directly through 2 of the points on the graph.
C) Line 1 is the better line of best fit because there are about as many points above and below the line.
D) Neither line is appropriate, because there is a negative correlation present in the scatterplot.
  • 8. Which is true about this graph?
A) A line with a positive slope should be used to model the scatterplot data.
B) There is no correlation present in this scatterplot.
C) A line with a negative slope should be used to model the scatterplot data.
  • 9. The correlation in this scatterplot is best described as _________________.
A) moderate negative correlation
B) strong positive correlation
C) weak positive correlation
D) moderate positive correlation
  • 10. The correlation in this scatterplot is best described as ______________.
A) strong negative correlation
B) weak negative correlation
C) strong positive correlation
D) weak positive correlation
  • 11. The line of best fit in this image is not a good line of best fit because:
A) it is not drawn through the middle of the points
B) it should be going down from left to right
C) there is no correlation in this scatterplot
  • 12. The correlation in this scatterplot is best described as ______________.
A) weak negative correlation
B) no correlation
C) strong negative correlation
D) moderate negative correlation
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