Magnetism C
  • 1. Magnets have
A) all of these
B) domains
C) magnetic atoms
D) magnetic poles
  • 2. Like magnetic poles
A) behave the same
B) repel
C) stick to each other
D) attract
  • 3. Magnetic fields
A) are only located at the center of the magnet
B) do not exist
C) are where the magnetic force is
D) are only located at the poles
  • 4. Magnetic poles are
A) always south
B) the weakest part of the magnet
C) where the magnetic energy is the strongest
D) always north
  • 5. Elements like Iron are ferromagnetic. This means...
A) they have a magnetic field
B) their domains are alligned
C) all of these
D) electrons are spinning in the same direction
  • 6. Which magnetic properties does the earth have?
A) magnetic north and south
B) all of these
C) magnetic field
D) a magnetosphere
  • 7. Electricity
A) makes magnets stronger
B) turns magnets into turkeys
C) makes magnets weaker
D) does not affect magnets
  • 8. Which elements are magentic?
A) just iron
B) cobalt and sodium
C) iron and lead
D) Iron, cobalt and nickel
  • 9. How can a magnet be destroyed?
A) heating and dropping
B) decreasing kinetic energy
C) bending
D) breaking in half
  • 10. The rotation of the earth makes it an even stronger magnet
A) true
B) false
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