Examen Primer Parcial Inglés III
  • 1. what will you do when you grow up?
A) I will get married
B) I didn't go shopping
C) Grown up
D) I do speak English
E) I won't grew up
  • 2. Where will you go on vacation?
A) I will go with my friends
B) I will go to the beach with my family and friends
C) I will go on vacation tomorrow
D) I didn't go on vacation last summer
E) I won't leave next Saturday
  • 3. Who will help you with your homework?
A) My brother will helped me with my homework
B) My brother will helps me with my homework
C) My brother will help me with my homework
D) My homework is going to help me with my brother
E) He My brother will help me with my homework
  • 4. Why will you work there?
A) Because I will won't work there
B) Because I will worked there
C) Because I won't work there
D) Because I enjoy the activity that I do there
E) Why I like it?
  • 5. Will you come to school tomorrow?
A) No, I willn't
B) Yes, I will not
C) Yes, I will
D) No, I will won't
E) Yes, I won't
  • 6. How are you going to solve your problems?
A) I am going to make a plan and then I am going to work on it
B) I amn't not going to have problems
C) I won't have problems
D) I didn't have problems
E) I are going to think how to solve them
  • 7. Is it going to rain today?
A) Yes, it will
B) Yes, it is
C) Yes, it isn't
D) No, it is
E) Yes, is it
  • 8. When are you going to leave?
A) I am going to leave tomorrow, at 5
B) I am going to leave yesterday
C) I willn't leave
D) I is going to leave tomorrow
E) I am going to live in Morelia
  • 9. What time are you going to be here?
A) 24 hour
B) At twelve o'clock
C) To the tree
D) I will won't be there
E) Here, there and everywhere
  • 10. What are you going to do tonight?
A) I´m going to go to a party
B) What are you going to do
C) She is going to play cards with friends
D) I am going you tonight
E) He is going to go to a meeting
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