Finding the Claim
  • 1. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Everyone should stop eating meet and become a vegetarian.
B) Vegetarians are less likely to get heart disease.
C) Meat provides more iron than vegetables do.
  • 2. Which of the following is a claim?
A) College didn't used to cost as much as it does now.
B) All Americans should be able to go to college for free.
C) Most college students have debt making it hard to go to college.
  • 3. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Libraries can loan you books, movies, and magazines for free.
B) Libraries are useful for conducting research.
C) The Franklin Public Library in Massachusetts was the first library ever built.
  • 4. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Allowing more than two terms gives the president too much power.
B) Limiting the president to two terms, may prevent better leaders from office.
C) The U.S. president should be able to serve more than two terms.
  • 5. Which of the following is a claim?
A) You must be 16 years old to drive in most states.
B) All streets need speed limits.
C) Speed limits prevent dangerous accidents.
  • 6. What is a claim?
A) An author's topic sentence and opinion about a topic.
B) A sentence in the middle of a paragraph or essay.
C) A sentence that tells how the opposing side feels.
  • 7. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Credit cards encourage people to spend money they sometimes don't have.
B) Credit cards charge interest and fees.
C) People should pay with cash rather than credit cards.
  • 8. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Texting causes the driver to have their eyes off of the road rather than on it.
B) Texting while driving is dangerous.
C) Texting causes drivers to be distracted and often crash into things.
  • 9. Which of the following is a claim?
A) People should adopt dogs from shelters rather than buy them from breeders.
B) Dogs from the shelters can be unpredictable.
C) Dogs from breeders cost more money.
D) Dogs from shelters often need a home more desperately than dogs from the breeder.
  • 10. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Some people have more than one savings account.
B) Everyone should have a savings account.
C) Some banks charge a fee to have a savings account.
D) Money in a savings account can earn interest, or more money than you had.
  • 11. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Some students like to paint and work with clay during art class.
B) Art helps foster creativity in students.
C) Schools need to keep their art programs.
D) Getting rid of art helps schools have more money for math and science programs.
  • 12. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Woodpeckers make noise when they tap on trees.
B) Some Woodpeckers have bright red feathers on their heads.
C) Woodpeckers help the forest by breaking down dead trees.
D) Woodpeckers can be a real problem.
  • 13. Which of the following is a claim?
A) E-mails are boring and too similar to a text message.
B) It is exciting to receive letters in the mail.
C) Handwritten letters are better than e-mails.
D) It is difficult to fix mistakes in a hand written letter.
  • 14. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Boys and girls should be separated in school.
B) Boys and girls won't learn to interact with each other if they are separated.
C) Boys and girls can distract each other during class time.
D) Boys and girls eat together in the cafeteria.
  • 15. Which of the following is a claim?
A) Colorado has 53 mountain peaks that are 14,000 feet or taller.
B) Colorado has 3 national parks to visit.
C) There are many outdoors activities to do while visiting Colorado.
D) Colorado is the best state for hikers and campers.
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