Johnny Tremain 1-3
  • 1. The setting of this novel is in whaich of the following cities?
A) Richmond
B) New York
C) Philadelphia
D) Boston
  • 2. Which of the following trades does Johnny wish to pursue at the beginning of the novel?
A) accounting
B) silversmithing
C) printing
D) blacksmithing
  • 3. Why does Johnny bully Dove?
A) Dove is older
B) Johnny is proud
C) Dove wants to marry Cilla
D) Dove is younger
  • 4. Why does Mr. Lapham disapprove of Johnny's attitude?
A) Johnny does not have the talent to justify his pride
B) Mr. Lapham dislikes Johnny because of his family
C) Mr. Lapham is jealous of Johnny's talent
D) Mr. Lapham is a dvout Christian who belives all people should be humble
  • 5. Why does John Hancock hire Mr. Lapham to make a sugar basin for a tea set?
A) Mr. Hancock confuses Mr. Lapham with Paul Revere
B) Mr. Lapham was hte original craftsman
C) Mr. Lapham has the reputation of making elaborate tea sets
D) Mr. Hancock has heard of Johnny's talent and wants to see it in action
  • 6. Why doesn't Johnny accept Paul Revere's offer to buy the remaining time on his contract with Mr. Lapham?
A) Johnny is in love with Cilla and does not want to leave her
B) Johnny is the chief breadwinner in the Lapham household, everyone depends on him
C) Paul Revere is not as good at silversmithing as Mr. Lapham
D) Johnny is too busy training to be a minute man
  • 7. How does Johnny injure his hand?
A) Dove deliberately hands him a cracked crucible that bursts when Johnny uses it
B) Dove pushes him onto the stove while he was working
C) Johnny accidentally picks up a piece of hot metal
D) Dove pours molten silver over his hand
  • 8. Johnny is related to which of the following wealthy merchants?
A) Paul Revere
B) Jonathan Lyte
C) Sam Adams
D) John Hancock
  • 9. Where is Johnny offered a job?
A) Paul Revere's as a silversmith
B) Boston Observer delevering papers
C) Chistopher Columbus's ship as a deckhand
D) Betsy Ross's sewing flags
  • 10. Who is Johnny's new friend?
A) Mr. Tweedie
B) Rab, the news clerk
C) Jehu, John Hancock's servant
D) Benjamin Franklin
  • 11. What does Johnny do with John Hancock's gift of silver coins?
A) pays for passage on a ship to England
B) buys shoes and gifts for Cilla and Isannah
C) gives it to Mrs. Lapham to help the family
D) buys a mechanical hand
  • 12. According to his mother's instructions, when should Johnny reveal his silver cup?
A) When he was alone and had no work
B) When he wanted to use the cup to get money
C) When he could no longer support himself as a silversmith
D) When he had nothing left and God himself had turned away his face
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