Knjižnica testov
Naredi ta test sedaj
Solving Eq. with Variables on Both Sides
-14x + 7 = -6x - 89
19x - 9 = 8x + 57
17x + 4 = 10x - 45
-13x - 6 = -4x + 75
-3x - 10 = -7x - 42
-9x - 9 = -5x + 11
-19x + 7 = -9x + 87
3x - 4 = -2x + 51
15x + 7 = 7x + 31
x - 2 = 4x - 5
Učenci, ki so rešili ta test so rešili tudi :
Solving equations by combining like terms
Two step equations #4
Quiz 7a: relations and functions
Ustvarjeno z
That Quiz
kjer je izdelava in reševanje testov narejena enostavno za matematiko in ostale predmete.