Week 1- Matching Vocabulary Words
__1. AbandonA. A. caused by great white powder
__2. AccurateB. D. items for sale
__3. AvalancheC. B. precise
__4. catalogD. C. to give up
__5. categoryE. E. a sudden change in plans
__6. collapseF. F. to fall apart
__7. DrasticG. G. belonging to the same group or class
__8. EvaporateH. H. the direct result of exercise
__9. ExtractI. I. To explore and take apart
__10. staminaJ. J. to dry up
__11. adaptA. facial hair
__12. analyzeB. to break nto parts
__13. cancelC. a pencil has this quality
__14. disastrousD. to not hold an event
__15. examineE. to have a plan
__16. mechanicalF. everything is destroyed
__17. mustacheG. another word for ghost
__18. personalityH. to explore
__19. phantomI. to make a change
__20. strategyJ. human characteristic
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