2ND grade Spelling 2.3
  • 1. Spell the word.
  • 2. Spell the word.
  • 3. Spell the word.
  • 4. Spell the word.
  • 5. Spell the word.
  • 6. Spell the word.
  • 7. Spell the word.
  • 8. Spell the word.
  • 9. Spell the word.
  • 10. Spell the word.
  • 11. Spell the word.
  • 12. Spell the word.
  • 13. Spell the word.
  • 14. Do you go ______ at night to trick or treat?
A) owt
B) aut
C) out
  • 15. The deer like to eat grass in the open ______.
A) range
B) raing
C) raje
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