Surface Area of cylinder 1
Find the Surface Area of cylinder. Round to the nearest
whole number.
B)  2289 cm2
A)  2286 cm2
SA = 2 π r 2 + 2 πr h
C)  2291 cm2
D) 2270 cm2
Find the Surface Area of cylinder. Round to the nearest
whole number.
SA = 2 π r 2 + 2 πr h
B)  470  in2
A)  425 in2
C)  440  in2
D) 460  in2
Find the Surface Area of cylinder. Round to the nearest
whole number.
SA = 2 π r + 2 πr h

B)  212  m2
A)  220  m2
C)  231  m2
D) 226  m2
Find the Surface Area of cylinder. Round to the nearest
whole number.
B)  1407 cm2
A)  1405 cm2
C)  1402 cm2
D) 1421 cm2
Find the Surface Area of cylinder. Round to the nearest
whole number.
B)  354 cm3
A)  352 cm3
C)  366 cm3
D) 321 cm3
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