2012 Q2 mca bio practice
  • 1. What diagram shows smallest to largest?
A) Cell->Organ ->Tissue->Organ System
B) System-> Organ->Tissue->Cell
C) Organ System->Tissue->Cell->Molecule
D) Cell-> Tissue -> Organ-> Organ System
  • 2. Which of these pairs gives structural support for a human?
A) Spine and heart
B) Brain and nerves
C) Bones and muscles
D) Skin and blood
  • 3. Which three human body systems work together to cause an arm to move?
A) Skeletal, circulatory, immune
B) Digestive, nervous, circulatory
C) respiratory, muscular, skeletal
D) Nervous, muscular, skeletal
  • 4. As a person exercises, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood increase. This causes the nervous system to signal the ________________systems to respond.
A) Respiratory and circulatory
B) Immune and respiratory
C) Circulatory and endocrine
D) Digestive and immune
  • 5. Why do we give a person a vaccine?
A) To stimulate and immune response
B) To cure a disease.
C) To prevent inflammation.
D) To introduce chemicals that destroy viruses.
  • 6. Which of the following best explains how an enzyme functions in a cell?
A) Enzymes bind to substrates for the catalyzed reactinon
B) Enzymes are moved to substrates by the ribosomes
C) One enzyme can catalyze many reactions
D) Different enzymes are made in different areas of the cytoplasm.
  • 7. A cell from heart muscle would probably have an unusually high number of
A) lysosomes
B) mitochondria
C) Golgi bodies
D) vacuoles
  • 8. Eukaryotic cells are different than prockaryotic cells because eukaryotic cells
A) have ribosomes
B) are much smaller
C) have a nucleus
D) have permeable membranes
  • 9. What is the greatest danger to a patient who has had damage to the skin?
A) Infections in uncovered skin
B) Excessive muscle contractions in the damaged area
C) Loss of oils produced by the skin
  • 10. The main advantage of having hair on a creature is to
A) conserve body heat
B) helps muscles
C) provide mucus
D) protects skin
  • 11. What portion of skin changes color when you get a suntan?
A) Epidermis
B) Dermis
C) Subcuatneous layer
D) Dead Dermis
  • 12. Which of the following is not an accessory organ for the digestive system?
A) pancreas
B) liver
C) gall bladder
D) Small intestine
  • 13. Which organ filters blood that has collected wastes from cells throughout the body and maintains the homeostasis of body fluids?
A) Kidneys
B) Stomach
C) Lungs
D) Heart
  • 14. Where in the body does digestion first take place?
A) The mouth
B) The stomach
C) The Small Intestine
D) the esophagus
  • 15. Where in the body are most nutrients absorbed?
A) stomach
B) mouth
C) Small intestine
D) large intestine
  • 16. Gas exchange occurs in the
A) veins
B) heart
C) capillaries
D) arteries
  • 17. Which of the following structures stores urine before being expelled from the body?
A) Kidneys
B) urinary bladder
C) urethra
D) ureters
  • 18. Which of the following is not a skeletal muscle?
A) Deltoid
B) Biceps
C) Heart
D) Hamstring
  • 19. How does the diagphragm, a muscle under the lungs, change in order for a person to inhale?
A) Flattens and goes up
B) Expands and goes lower
C) Flattens and goes lower
D) Expands and goes higher
  • 20. The thyroid gland regulates which of the following
A) Development
B) All of these
C) Growth
D) Metabolism
  • 21. Sensory neurons can..
A) Respond to a signal from the central nervous system
B) Carry impulses from outside and inside the body to the brain and spinal cord
C) Carry responses away from the brin and spinal cord
D) Process incoming impulses and pass them on to motor neurons
  • 22. What part is part of the peripheral nervous system
A) all of these
B) spinal chord
C) brain
D) nerves
  • 23. Why is blood pumped through the lungs?
A) To get food
B) To oxygenate the blood
C) to add Carbon dioxide to the blood
D) to hydrate the blood
  • 24. Which portion of skin is where a pimple forms?
A) Hair follicle
B) subcutaneous layer
C) touch receptor
D) sweat gland
  • 25. Which of the following will food not pass directly through
A) esophagus
B) pancreas
C) small intestine
D) stomach
  • 26. How do nutrients which are absorbed by the small intestine, travel to the individual cells of the body?
A) small intestine to liver to lymphatic system to body cells
B) small intestine to kidneys to dissolved fluids to body cells
C) nerve signals to body cells
D) small intestine to blood to circulatory system to body cells
  • 27. Why is blood pumped through the lungs?
A) To give it white blood cells
B) To enrich it with carbon dioxide
C) To enrich it with oxygen
D) To give it water
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