Unit 4 Vocabulary Practice
  • 1. States that adding the same number to both sides of the equation produces equivalent expressions
A) Equation
B) Inequality
C) Addition Property of Equality
D) Subtraction Property of Equality
  • 2. The relation between two quantities whose ratio remains constant
A) Equation
B) Perimeter
C) Inequality
D) Direct Proportion
  • 3. A mathematical sentence that contains < or >
A) Inequality
B) Perimeter
C) Proportion
D) Dependent Variable
  • 4. States that subtracting the same number from both sides of the equation produces equivalent expressions
A) Inverse Operation
B) Subtraction Property of Equality
C) Inequality
D) Perimeter
  • 5. A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign
A) Perimeter
B) Constant of Proportionality
C) Division Property of Equality
D) Equation
  • 6. An equation that states that 2 ratios are equal
A) Inequality
B) Proportion
C) Inverse Operation
D) Dependent Variable
  • 7. States that multiplying the same number to both sides of the equation produces equivalent expressions
A) Multiplicative Property of Equality
B) Proportion
C) Dependent Variable
D) Perimeter
  • 8. Input value
A) Perimeter
B) Constant of Proportionality
C) Inequality
D) Independent Variable
  • 9. y = kx
A) Perimeter
B) Proportion
C) Constant of Proportionality
D) Inverse Operation
  • 10. States that dividing both sides of the equation by the same number produces equivalent expressions
A) Perimeter
B) Division Property of Equality
C) Inequality
D) Dependent Variable
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