12.2 quiz
  • 1. An electromagnetic wave is caused by a disturbance in
A) the atmosphere
B) a field
C) a material medium
D) heat
  • 2. Which of the following produce(s) the most EM waves on Earth?
A) the high energy of the Sun
B) artificial lights
C) the energy of distant stars
D) a vacuum
  • 3. Radiation is the
A) conversion of EM waves into kinetic energy
B) energy that moves as EM waves
C) motion of a medium caused by EM waves
D) speed of EM waves in a vacuum
  • 4. In a vacuum, the speed of EM waves
A) decreases as the waves spread out
B) increases as the amount of energy increases
C) always remains constant
D) depends on the source of the waves
  • 5. When microwaves encounter water, they
A) are refracted
B) pass through the water without interacting with it
C) are reflected in many directions
D) convert electromagnetic energy into heat
  • 6. EM waves from this part of the spectrum are used in radar and cell phones.
A) x-rays
B) ultraviolet light
C) microwaves
D) radio waves
  • 7. These EM waves have the highest energy.
A) radio waves
B) ultraviolet light
C) x-rays
D) gamma rays
  • 8. EM waves with frequencies of 1012 Hz or less are considered this type of wave.
A) radio waves
B) ultraviolet light
C) microwaves
D) x-rays
  • 9. This type of EM wave is frequently associated with heat.
A) radio waves
B) microwaves
C) ultraviolet light
D) infrared light
  • 10. The smallest part of the EM spectrum is made up of this type of wave.
A) visible light
B) ultraviolet light
C) radio waves
D) microwaves
  • 11. Waves from the Sun in this part of the EM spectrum can burn your skin.
A) microwaves
B) radio waves
C) x-rays
D) ultraviolet light
  • 12. These EM waves pass through soft tissue but are absorbed by bone.
A) radio waves
B) microwaves
C) ultraviolet light
D) x-rays
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