Ramona Forever Comprehension
  • 1. How does Ramona feel about her mother going to the hospital?
A) angry
B) pleased
C) sad
D) worried
  • 2. Right after Mrs. Quimby left for the hospital the girls decided to ______.
A) watch T.V.
B) wash the dishes
C) go to bed
D) eat the left over tuna salad
  • 3. This story takes place in ______.
A) Alaska
B) Florida
C) Oregon
D) Canada
  • 4. What is Mr. Quimby's first name?
A) Hobart
B) Raymond
C) Roger
D) Robert
  • 5. The fifth Quimby is _______?
A) Ramona
B) Aunt Bea
C) the new baby
D) Beezus
  • 6. Ramona's heart is pounding at the hospital because she is ______.
A) hot
B) excited
C) afraid
D) tired
  • 7. Why does Ramona feel sick as she waits in the lobby?
A) She has caught germs from the couch.
B) She has a fever.
C) She feels she has the germs that the nurse talked about.
D) The elevator came down much too quickly.
  • 8. In this story, the word sibling means a _______.
A) baby
B) sore throat
C) hospital
D) brother or sister
  • 9. Mr. Quimby gives Ramona a hug and kiss because ________.
A) she needs attention
B) she is very sick
C) she is brave to wait alone
D) a woman has scared her
  • 10. Whom does Mrs. Quimby say Roberta looks like?
A) Mr. Quimby when he was a baby
B) Ramona when she was a baby
C) all babies because they all look alike
D) a picture of a baby in a magazine cover
  • 11. Ramona agrees that she's "wonderful, blunderful" because she is _______.
A) playing a word game with Beezus
B) learning to calm down her hair
C) doing a good job at growing up
D) happy her mother is home
  • 12. What beautiful thing does Ramona's mother tell her at the hospital?
  • 13. How is Roberta different from the baby on the cover of A Name for Your Baby?
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