Science (S2)
  • 1. In "Alejandro's Gift", we see that a cactus is a living thing. One difference between a living thing and a non-living thing is that a living thing can _____________________.
A) stay the same
B) not be alive.
C) build and rebuild
D) grow and change
  • 2. Orange juice is a healthy drink. Which statement would be a fact about orange juice?
A) Babies like it better than milk.
B) It is a solid.
C) It takes the shape of the container it is placed in.
D) It tastes better than apple juice.
  • 3. The third grade classes put a piece of celery in a glass of water and food coloring. The students probably did this to find out _____________.
A) how water can change colors
B) to see if the celery will live or die
C) how the water travels up the stem of a plant
D) how much celery weighs
  • 4. Which of these animals would Alejandro not see living in the desert?
A) polar bear
B) rabbit
C) rat
D) snake
  • 5. According to legend, Coyote placed the stars in the sky. Which of the following is a star?
A) the planet
B) the earth
C) the moon
D) the sun
  • 6. Which planet is closest to the Sun?
A) Mercury
B) Venus
C) Jupiter
D) Earth
  • 7. Which of the following is a NOT compound word?
A) rainstorm
B) hurricane
C) snowstorm
D) earthquake
  • 8. Which of the following is caused by heavy rain?
A) earthquakes
B) drought
C) floods
D) volcanoes
  • 9. Why do astronomers know more about Mars and Jupiter than they know about Neptune and Pluto?
A) Mars and Jupiter are closer to Earth.
B) Neptune and Pluto are closer to the Sun.
C) Neptune and Jupiter are in a different solar system.
D) Mars and Jupiter are closer to Saturn.
  • 10. What could be used to look at faraway planets?
A) flashlight
B) camera on phone
C) microscope
D) telescope
  • 11. In the story, "Leah's Pony", it had not rained for a long time. When less rain falls, what could happen to the plants on big farms?
A) The sun will continue to shine.
B) The people will have to move.
C) Plants and crops may not survive.
D) The farmers will not make any money.
  • 12. In the story, "Yippee-Yah!", the word "longhorns" is an example of a complex compound word. The word "longhorns" is also an example of living things. Which one is it?
A) animals or types of cattle
B) ranchers or cowboys
C) cactus or cacti that grows in dusty areas
D) plants with long stems
  • 13. Amanda made pies to sell in "Boom Town". She used solids and liquids like gooseberries, flour, butter, a little water, and a pinch of salt. Which text structure did she probably use to MAKE her delicious pies that she sold to the people in her town?
A) effect
B) description
C) simple procedure
D) cause
  • 14. Jiro San waited for his friends to come to the "beach". Look at the word "beach." Which of the following affixes can be added to "beach" to correctly make it plural.
A) -es
B) -s
C) -iers
D) -ies
  • 15. A caterpillar grows and changes. A caterpillar will become a ___________ one day.
A) cocoon
B) chrysallis
C) butterfly
D) moth
  • 16. Before it grew and changed, a frog was once a __________.
A) tadpole
B) root
C) toad
D) infant
  • 17. Temperature uses numbers to measure hotness or coldness. Which planet would have the highest temperature and why?
A) Neptune because it is farthest away from the Sun.
B) The Sun because it is already so hot.
C) Mercury because it is closest to the Sun.
D) Earth because it gets hot in the summer.
  • 18. Rhonda is studying the Alaskan habitat. At which temperature could a pond freeze into a solid?
A) 75 degreees Fahrenheit
B) 50 degrees Celsius
C) 25 degrees Fahrenheit
D) 100 degrees Fahrenheit
  • 19. Mark saw some acorns on the ground. He knew these acorns came from a tree. Which type of tree was it?
A) an oak tree
B) a redwood tree
C) an acorn tree
D) an apple tree
  • 20. Precipitation can be a solid or liquid. Which of the following is NOT an example of precipitation?
A) helium
B) snow
C) rain
D) sleet
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