exponent properties
__1. (-a)b, + if b: even, - if oddA. multiplying exponents with the same power
__2. 1/ab=a-bB. multiplying exponents with the same base
__3. a0=1C. dividing exponents with the same base
__4. a1=aD. dividing exponents with the same power
__5. ab/ac=ab-cE. Negative expoents forms
__6. ab/cb=(a/c)bF. signs of exponents with a negative base
__7. ab x ac=ab+cG. exponents to the power of anotherr exponent
__8. ab x cb=(ac)bH. zero property of exponents
__9. abc=abcI. identity property of exponents
__10. a x 10b, where 1<a<10J. scientific notation
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