  • 1. What is the subject in this sentence? The girl went home.
A) The girl
B) went home.
C) home
D) went
  • 2. What is the predicate in this sentence? The girl went home.
A) girl
B) went home.
C) home
D) The girl
  • 3. What is the subject in this sentence? The birds chirped loudly.
A) loudly
B) The birds
C) chirped
D) chirped loudly.
  • 4. Which sentence is missing a subject?
A) Time is up.
B) Go to the store.
C) The mess was big.
D) Hid outside.
  • 5. Which sentence is missing a predicate?
A) ZWefjohe goes to school.
B) WTbcelice people.
C) Run home.
D) Girls will run today.
  • 6. What is the subject in this sentence? Friends are forever.
A) Friends
B) Friends are
C) forever.
D) are
  • 7. What is the predicate? Golf balls are everywhere.
A) balls
B) are everywhere.
C) Golf
D) Golf balls
  • 8. Choose the best answer.
A) You know the answer- "You" is the subject.
B) QN\]afumping QN\]afill jumped rope. - QN\]afill is the predicate.
C) PM[\`e won the game.- won is part of the subject.
D) OLZ[_de yelled at me. - yelled is part of the subject.
  • 9. What is the subject in this sentence? QN\]_fouses on this street are large and expensive.
A) large
B) are large and expensive.
C) Houses on this street
D) expensive
  • 10. How many words are in the subject of this sentence? Two times two equals four.
A) 3
B) 4
C) 2
D) 1
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