Careers Ch 2 - Vocab.
  • 1. The ways people make, buy and sell goods and services
A) services
B) e-commerce
C) trend
D) economy
  • 2. Items that people buy.
A) goods
B) economy
C) services
D) trend
  • 3. The process of performing tasks for consumers.
A) services
B) team
C) goods
D) outsourcing
  • 4. All the world's economies and how they are linked.
A) workforce diversity
B) global economy
C) job market
D) job sharing
  • 5. The need for workers and the kinds of work available to them.
A) job market
B) services
C) job sharing
D) global economy
  • 6. All people over the age of 16 who work or are seeking work.
A) services
B) workforce diversity
C) labor force
D) gender equity
  • 7. The buying and selling of goods and services via the Internet.
A) e-bay
B) e-commerce
C) google
  • 8. Equal employment opportunity for all, regardless of gender.
A) workforce diversity
B) gender quality
C) services
D) job sharing
  • 9. A change over a period of time.
A) trend
B) team
C) labor force
D) job market
  • 10. A group of people who work together to set goals and make decisions to solve problems and put ideas into action.
A) labor force
B) job market
C) services
D) team
  • 11. A wide variety of workers with different backgrounds, experiences, ideas, and skills in the workplace.
A) team
B) workforce diversity
C) job market
D) labor force
  • 12. A flexible work arrangement that allows two part time employees to divide one full time job.
A) labor force
B) job sharing
C) team
D) work diversity
  • 13. Using outside resources to perform activities traditionally handles by internal company staff.
A) work diversity
B) labor force
C) outsourcing
D) job sharing
  • 14. Working at home for a company.
A) services
B) goods
C) telecommute
D) trend
  • 15. A work schedule arrangement that allows workers to choose work hours that fit their patricular needs.
A) telecommute
B) services
C) trend
D) flextime
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