Describing Motion 2007
  • 1. You would know an object moved if...
A) its position changed
B) it had speed
C) all of these
D) it accelerated
  • 2. When you try to figure out how far an object traveled, you are determining...
A) mass
B) time
C) temperature
D) distance
  • 3. When you are describing how long it took a rock to fall 10 meters, you are describing...
A) acceleration
B) speed
C) time
D) velocity
  • 4. What do you know about a car if you know its distance and time?
A) speed
B) temperature
C) acceleration
D) velocity
  • 5. The rocket had a speed of 10 meters/second in a downward direction. This is an example of...
A) density
B) acceleration
C) velocity
D) speed
  • 6. It took the roller coaster 5 seconds to reach 60 miles per hour. This is describing...
A) mass
B) speed
C) acceleration
D) velocity
  • 7. North, south, east and west are examples of...
A) velocity
B) direction
C) speed
D) acceleration
  • 8. 50 miles per hour and 5 meters per second are examples of...
A) time
B) speed
C) acceleration
D) distance
  • 9. A person riding inside a car says that the car is not moving. A person outside the car says it is speeding. They describe motion differently because they have different...
A) speed
B) reference points
C) acceleration
D) time
  • 10. When you describe where an object is at, you are describing its
A) reference point
B) time
C) speed
D) position
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