Rounding Check-up
  • 1. Round this number to the nearest ten: 57
A) 60
B) 57
C) 55
D) 50
  • 2. Round this number to the nearest ten: 73
A) 70
B) 73
C) 80
D) 75
  • 3. Round this number to the nearest hundred: 753
A) 760
B) 750
C) 800
D) 700
  • 4. Round this number to the nearest thousand: 1,505
A) 2,000
B) 1,600
C) 1,000
D) 1,500
  • 5. Round this number to the nearest thousand: 3,299
A) 2,000
B) 4,000
C) 3,000
D) 3,300
  • 6. Round this number to the nearest hundred: 504
A) 400
B) 600
C) 510
D) 500
  • 7. Round this number to the nearest ten: 54
A) 60
B) 40
C) 50
D) 54
  • 8. Round this number to the nearest thousand: 8,234
A) 8,200
B) 9,000
C) 8,230
D) 8,000
  • 9. Round this number to the nearest hundred: 234
A) 200
B) 300
C) 240
D) 230
  • 10. Round this number to the nearest ten: 67
A) 80
B) 65
C) 70
D) 60
  • 11. Round this number to the nearest hundred: 567
A) 550
B) 700
C) 600
D) 650
  • 12. Round this number to the nearest thousand: 4,701
A) 4,710
B) 5,000
C) 4,000
D) 4,700
  • 13. Round this number to the nearest thousand: 2,064
A) 3,000
B) 4,000
C) 2,100
D) 2,000
  • 14. Round this number to the nearest hundred: 666
A) 750
B) 800
C) 700
D) 600
  • 15. Round this number to the nearest ten: 34
A) 30
B) 40
C) 35
D) 34
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