"Me and Uncle Romie" Assessment
  • 1. Where did Uncle Romie live when he was growing up?
A) North Carolina
B) The Caribbean
C) Chicago
D) Harlem
  • 2. Why does James go to spend some time in New York?
A) James’s parents want him to get art lessons from his uncle.
B) James is tired of summers at home in North Carolina.
C) James has always wanted to spend time with his uncle.
D) James’s mother needs rest because she is expecting twins.
  • 3. In James’s view, what is one way New York City is different from North Carolina?
A) The kids there are unfriendly.
B) It has many tall buildings.
C) The food there does not taste good.
D) It is hot in the summer.
  • 4. What happens after James visits Uncle Romie’s art studio?
A) Uncle Romie decides to go to North Carolina.
B) James starts to help Uncle Romie in the studio.
C) James and Uncle Romie become friends.
D) Aunt Nanette has to go away for a while.
  • 5. How does James change during the story?
A) He happily goes to New York, but he ends up wishing he had stayed home.
B) At first he is nervous about meeting Uncle Romie, but then he gets to like him.
C) He does not appreciate his parents at first, but then he really misses them.
D) At first he thinks his uncle is a great artist, but then he is disappointed by his uncle’s works.
  • 6. Why does Uncle Romie stay hidden away in his studio?
A) He does not like children.
B) He is getting ready for a big show
C) He is very shy.
D) He is planning a surprise party.
  • 7. “Uncle Romie is a collage artist,” Aunt Nanette explained. What does the word collage mean?
A) An artwork in which the artist paints scenes on large walls
B) A work in which different materials are pasted on a flat surface
C) A description of an artist who copies the works of others
D) An activity in which old paintings are cut up and recycled
  • 8. Swarms of people rushed by. What does the word swarms mean?
A) neat lines
B) nests
C) slow-moving buses
D) Large groups
  • 9. James sees chickens and roosters strutting across the yard. What does strutting mean?
A) walking nervously
B) flying rapidly
C) running in many directions
D) Walking proudly
  • 10. Later we shared some barbecue on a rooftop way up high. What does barbecue mean?
A) a birthday celebration
B) a meal, usually meat, cooked outdoors over an open fire
C) a show or exhibit
D) feeling of excited anticipation
  • 11. What a glorious mess! There were paints and scraps all over the floor. What does glorious mean?
A) very bad or hopeless
B) seeing things as they are; practical
C) having or deserving praise or honor; magnificent
D) moving in a slow, clumsy way
  • 12. How does James feel about visiting Uncle Romie in New York City?
A) James is excited.
B) James is angry.
C) James is sad.
D) James is nervous.
  • 13. What kind of artist is Uncle Romie?
A) Uncle Romie is a sculptor.
B) Uncle Romie is a collage artist.
C) Uncle Romie is a painter.
D) Uncle Romie is an architect.
  • 14. What does James make Uncle Romie at the end of the story?
A) a collage of items from North Carolina
B) a new scarf
C) a story about his summer in New York
D) breakfast for his birthday
  • 15. How did Aunt Nanette treat James while he was in New York City?
A) She didn't like James.
B) She didn't pay any attention to James.
C) She left James alone.
D) She was kind to James.
  • 16. How does James describe Uncle Romie?
  • 17. How is James's birthday different from what he expected it to be like? Compare and contrast his expectations with the actual event.
  • 18. Describe the differences that James notices between North Carolina and New York City.
  • 19. In what ways are James and Uncle Romie alike? Explain your answer and support it with details from the story.
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