7th Science Full Year
  • 1. The problem (in an experiment) should always have this at the end..
A) Exclamation
B) Period
C) Question Mark
D) Nothing
  • 2. The variable you changed in an experiment
A) Dependent Variable
B) Independent Variable
C) Control
D) Hypothesis
  • 3. System of measurement used by scientists
A) Pounds
B) Standard
C) Metric
D) Inches
  • 4. The brain of the cell is the
A) Organelles
B) Lysosomes
C) Nucleus
D) Mitochondria
E) Ribosomes
  • 5. The other parts of a cell that have specific functions are called
A) cell wall
B) centriole
C) nucleus
D) organelles
  • 6. These one celled organisms typically live in water and some of them produce lots of oxygen
A) sponges
B) crystaniles
C) protists
D) fish
  • 7. The toilet seat is usually an area with the most bacteria (True or False)
A) False
B) True
  • 8. True or False, a virus cannot be killed
A) True
B) False
  • 9. Name one positive effect of bacteria
  • 10. Name one negative thing that fungi do
  • 11. Describe two ways that you can prevent the spread of the flu virus
  • 12. An animal without a backbone is a(n)
A) invertebrate
B) reptile
C) mammal
D) vertebrate
  • 13. Instead of teeth, worms use this to break down food into smaller pieces.
A) Stomach
B) Esophagus
C) Seminal Vesicles
D) Gizzard
  • 14. The simplest animal is a
A) sponge
B) jawless fish
C) mollusk
D) jellyfish
  • 15. Oxygen molecules get transported through the body on these cells
A) red blood cells
B) white blood cells
C) stem cells
D) platelets
  • 16. Invaders in the body are fought off by these types of cells
A) platelets
B) red blood cells
C) white blood cells
D) stem cells
  • 17. Humans have this many chambers in their heart
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
  • 18. This type of blood is a universal donor
A) Type AB
B) Type A
C) Type O
  • 19. True or False, you can mix A and B blood
A) True
B) False
  • 20. The tube that leads to your lungs is called
A) the vein
B) the espophagus
C) the intestine
D) the trachea
  • 21. Nutrients in food are absorbed in your
A) red blood cells
B) bone marrow
C) neurons
D) intestines
  • 22. Give an example of a healthy sample meal that includes things from all areas of the food pyramid (6 points)
  • 23. Which exercise would you do to work your biceps?
A) Shoulder raises
B) Sit-ups
C) Arm curls
D) Squats
  • 24. When a bone breaks it is called a
A) fracture
B) crack
C) bust
D) torque
E) fissure
  • 25. Explain what happened to Phinneus Gage and how it changed his behavior. Explain why this happened (4 points)
  • 26. This part of your brain is responsible for seeing
A) cerebellum
B) occipital lobe
C) temporal lobe
D) parietal lobe
  • 27. If you were unable to walk straight and could not balance you probably have a problem with your
A) parietal lobe
B) cerebellum
C) temporal lobe
D) frontal lobe
  • 28. You feel a small pin-prick on your finger. What area of your brain is most activated?
A) temporal
B) occipital
C) frontal
D) parietal
  • 29. If I gave you a list of 30 items and gave you one 2 minutes to memorize them, about how many would the average person likely remember on a test later in the period?
A) 2
B) 19
C) 8
D) 15
E) 25
  • 30. These are the types of cells you have in your brain
A) white blood cells
B) red blood cells
C) neurons
D) platelets
  • 31. If I did squats, which of the following muscles would I be working the most?
A) Triceps
B) Latissiums Dorsi
C) Trapezius
D) Gluteus Maximus
  • 32. How many bones are there in the human body?
A) 1065
B) 563
C) 206
D) 13
  • 33. What percentage of the offspring will be blue (Blue is recessive)?
A) 50%
B) 75%
C) 25%
D) 100%
E) 0%
  • 34. Explain why this Punnet Square is incorrect (2 points)
  • 35. The directions for how you are put together are stored in your
A) Brain
B) Cell wall
D) Bone marrow
  • 36. In this type of cell division, all the chromosomes are copied
A) telephase
B) mitosis
C) meiosis
D) anaphase
  • 37. Why did birds with certain beak styles survive on one of Darwin's islands (the Galapogos), but they did not survive on other islands nearby? (4 points)
  • 38. Who discovered evolution?
A) Marie Curie
B) Patrick Stewart
C) Charles Darwin
D) Nathaniel Faraday
  • 39. The Black Plague was transmitted to others and spread all over Europe by
A) Bad Water
B) Mosquitoes
C) The Wind
D) Fleas
  • 40. Something that has a pH of 10 is a
A) acid
B) water
C) base
  • 41. These are on the left side of the table and react with water
A) alkali metals
B) noble gases
C) mercury
D) electrons
E) protons
  • 42. What are the ingredients for photosynthesis? (5 points)
  • 43. These particles have a positive charge
A) neutrons
B) quarks
C) electrons
D) protons
  • 44. When something changes from a solid to a liquid or a gas it is a
A) physical change
B) chemical change
C) fluid change
D) isometric change
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