Ch.12 The counting principle & Permutation and Combination
  • 1. 3 friends are met, they Shook hands with each other, how many handshakes took place?
A) 5
B) 3
C) 6
D) 2
  • 2. There are tow ways to go from Fujairah to Sharjah , and four ways to go from Sharjah to Dubai. How many different ways are there to go from Fujairah to Dubai, passing through Sharjah?
A) 2
B) 6
C) 8
D) 4
  • 3. If there are n1 ways to choose a first item, n2 ways to choose a second item, n3 ways to choose a third item, and so on, the the total number of ways to choose all the items is given by..........
A) 3xn1
B) n1+n2+n3
C) n1xn2xn3
  • 4. An arrangement of objects in which order is important means ............
A) Combinations
B) Permutations
C) Neither
  • 5. n!=...........
A) n(n-1).(n-2)
B) n (n - 1)(n - 2).......(2)(1)
C) n(n-1)
  • 6. (10)(9)(8).......(2)(1) means .......
A) P(10,3)
B) 10!
C) C(10,3)
  • 7. Which of the following is equal 4!
A) (2! ) (2!)
B) 6!-2!
C) 8!/2!
D) C(24,23)
  • 8. 0!=
A) 0
B) Undefined
C) 1
  • 9. ----------–Is a selection in which the order is not important (groupings)
A) Combinations
B) Permutations
C) Neither
  • 10. If the outcome of an event does not affect the outcome of another event, the two events are -------
A) dependent.
B) independent.
  • 11. If the outcome of an event does affect the outcome of another event, the two events are---------
A) independent.
B) dependent.
  • 12. choosing the color and size of a pair of shoes is an example of .........
A) Independent event
B) dependent event
  • 13. choosing a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer for Student Council, assuming that a person can hold only one office
A) independent event
B) dependent event
  • 14. For How many Dubai license plates (letter and digits) can be made if it contains six-symbols
A) 2,600,000
B) 2,600
C) 2,400,000
D) 26000
  • 15. How many ways could you select a committee of 3 people out of a group of 10 people?
A) 10!-3!
B) C(10,3)
C) p(10,3)
D) 10!
  • 16. Selecting three students to attend a conference is an example of ...........
A) a combination
B) a permutation
  • 17. Choosing a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer for Student is an example of .........
A) a permutation
B) a combination
  • 18. A coin is tossed four times. How many possible sequences of heads or tails?
A) 12
B) 8
C) 16
D) 32
  • 19. How many different ways can the letters of the word" ALGEBRA" be arranged?
A) 2520
B) 5040
C) 7
D) 42
  • 20. How many diagonals can be drawn in the octagon shown ?
A) 20
B) 56
C) 28
D) 48
  • 21. List the possible outcomes when a coin is tossed two times. Use H for heads and T for tails
B) {HT,TH}
C) {HH,TT}
  • 22. A math quiz has six " true-false" questions. How many different choices for giving answers to the six questions are possible?
A) p(6,2)=30
B) (6)x(2)=12
C) 26 = 64
D) C(6,2)=15
  • 23. P(10,3)=
A) 10! / (3!) .( 7!)
B) 10!
C) 10!/7!
D) 10!/3!
  • 24. C(10,3)
A) 10!/7!
B) 10! / (3! . 7!)
C) 10!/3!
D) 10!
  • 25. How many arrangements are possible for four Students in a line?
A) 4
B) 8
C) 24
D) 12
  • 26. C(n,n)=.........
A) n
B) 1
C) 0
D) n!
  • 27. P(n,n)=.............
A) n!
B) n
C) 1
D) 0
  • 28. Ahmed has homework to do in math, chemistry, and English. How many ways can he choose the order in which to do his homework?
A) 6
B) 1
C) 3
D) 4
  • 29. The set of all possible outcomes is called the.....
A) sample space
B) Event
C) Outcome
  • 30. A dice(number cube) is tossed two times. How many possible pairs can be obtained
A) 12
B) 36
C) 6
  • 31. 5 friends are met, they Shook hands with each other, how many handshakes took place?
A) permutations 5P3
B) Combinations 5C2
C) permutations 5P2
D) Combinations 5C3
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