parts of speech- adj, v, art, n, pro
  • 1. In the sentence "Billy is a good friend to Jack who treats others nicely." what is the verb?
A) treats others
B) is treats
C) Jack Billy
D) is friend
  • 2. In the sentence " Jerille is running to the store." which word is an article?
A) Jerille
B) the
C) store
D) to
  • 3. In the sentence "Kansas doen't have many people." which words are nouns ?
A) Kansas people
B) doesn't have
C) Kansas doesn't
D) many people
  • 4. In the sentence "When we go to the movies, we eat popcorn." what are the verbs?
A) movies we
B) to when
C) go eat
D) eat popcorn
  • 5. In the sentence "I love eating spicy food at Mexican restaurants." what are the adjectives ?
A) I at
B) Mexican spicy
C) spicy food
D) love eating
  • 6. In the sentence "I put my work on the table and pushed my chair in," what are the prepositions?
A) on the
B) in my
C) on in
D) I my
  • 7. In the sentence "Lunch at school is never very good." what is the preposition?
A) very
B) never
C) at
D) good
  • 8. In the sentence "I was at a museum" what is the article?
A) a
B) museum
C) at
D) I
  • 9. In the sentence "Can we eat large pieces of pie? what is the adjective ?
A) large
B) pieces
C) pie
D) can
  • 10. In the sentence "Earth is a beautiful green planet which spins very fast," which words are nouns?
A) Earth planet
B) is spins
C) green planet
D) beautiful green
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