Rocks and Minerals Test 2
  • 1. What specimen number was the sulfur mineral?
A) 10
B) 8
C) 2
D) 6
  • 2. What specimen number was the pyrite mineral?
A) 10
B) 8
C) 4
D) 5
  • 3. What specimen number was the calcite mineral?
A) 8
B) 2
C) 10
D) 4
  • 4. What specimen number was the feldspar mineral?
A) 5
B) 7
C) 2
D) 6
  • 5. What specimen number was the mica mineral?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 4
D) 8
  • 6. What specimen number was the quartz mineral?
A) 1
B) 10
C) 6
D) 4
  • 7. Identify the mineral above.
A) talc
B) galena
C) pyrite
D) sulfur
  • 8. Identify the mineral above.
A) pyrite
B) mica
C) feldspar
D) halite
  • 9. The way a mineral breaks in flat pieces is called it's________.
A) cleavage
B) property
C) streak
D) luster
  • 10. They way light reflects off a mineral is called __________.
A) streak
B) luster
C) fracture
D) cleavage
  • 11. In the acid test, we used _______ to place on the minerals.
A) vinegar
B) water
C) soil
D) salt
  • 12. What is the name of the above cycle?
A) The rock cycle
B) The earth cycle
C) The nitrogen cycle
D) The water cycle
  • 13. What material was NOT used during the hardness test.
A) glass plate
B) hammer
C) penny
D) nail
  • 14. What material was NOT used during the acid test.
A) nail
B) glass plate
C) vinegar
D) lemon
  • 15. What material was used during the hardness test.
A) hammer
B) wood
C) streak plate
D) fingernail
  • 16. What material was used during the acid test.
A) water
B) penny
C) streak plate
D) vinegar
  • 17. What material was used during the streak test.
A) streak plate
B) soil
C) penny
D) nail
  • 18. What chemical elements makes up salt?
A) sodium and chlorine
B) silicon and oxygen
C) sodium and silicon
D) oxygen and silicon
  • 19. What chemical elements makes up quartz?
A) oxygen and silicon
B) oxygen and hydrogen
C) sodium and chlorine
D) chlorine and salt
  • 20. Identify the mineral above.
A) sulfur
B) quartz
C) mica
D) feldspar
  • 21. From the film, "How the Earth Was Made." What was the estimated age of our planet?
A) 6,000 years old
B) 100 million years old
C) 500 years old
D) 4.5 billion years old
  • 22. What is the top layer of the Earth, where we are?
A) The Outer Core
B) The Inner Core
C) The Mantle
D) The Crust
  • 23. From the film, "How the Earth Was Made." In World of Fire, what was the reason it took the planet so long to cool down?
A) Radioactivity inside the planet
B) The sun was too close
C) There was no night
D) It never rained
  • 24. From the film, "How the Earth Was Made." In World of Fire, what helped to create our planet?
A) Meteors raining down onto the planet
B) The Sun
C) Wind and rain adding water and plant life
D) Water eroding the land
  • 25. From the film, "How the Earth Was Made." What chemical element did scientists use to estimate the planet's age?
A) Uranium
B) Oxygen
C) Silicon
D) Sulfur
  • 26. Which is a crystal structure?
A) cubic
B) square
C) octagon
D) decagon
  • 27. What crystal structure does salt have?
A) monoclinic
B) hexagonal
C) triclinic
D) cubic
  • 28. What was the name of the hardness scale?
A) Foss Scale of Hardness
B) Bobs Scale of Hardness
C) Mohs Scale of Hardness
D) Newton's Scale of Hardness
  • 29. Scientists who study rocks and minerals are called _________.
A) Geographers
B) Geologists
C) Biologists
D) Engineers
  • 30. Cubic, hexagonal, and monoclinic are kinds of _________.
A) mineral fractures
B) crystal shapes
C) rock origins
D) acid tests
  • 31. What crystal shape, above, is in blue?
A) tetragonal
B) triclinic
C) cubic
D) hexagonal
  • 32. What crystal shape, above, is in green?
A) triclinic
B) cubic
C) hexagonal
D) metamorphic
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