Leah's Pony Vocabulary
  • 1. In the recent election, we elected new ______ officials.
A) galloped
B) glistened
C) bid
D) county
  • 2. The snowflakes _______ in the sunlight.
A) galloped
B) clutched
C) glistened
D) auctioneer
  • 3. The cowboy was in a hurry, so he jumped on the fastest horse and _______ off.
A) galloped
B) glistened
C) clutched
D) auctioneer
  • 4. The ________ was asking too much for the antique chair.
A) galloped
B) glistened
C) auctioneer
D) clutched
  • 5. Mom ________ her handbag tightly as we walked through the mall.
A) glistened
B) bid
C) county
D) clutched
  • 6. Father ________on several chairs at the auction
A) galloped
B) auctioneer
C) bid
D) glistened
  • 7. We live in Thurston __________.
A) county
B) auctioneer
C) glistened
D) bid
  • 8. The ___________ spoke rapidly for people to buy that painting.
A) auctioneer
B) galloped
C) county
D) bid
  • 9. The tree decorations _________ in the light.
A) auctioneer
B) glistened
C) clutched
D) galloped
  • 10. The goal keeper _________ the ball to her chest to keep it from going in the net.
A) galloped
B) bid
C) county
D) clutched
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