Adjectives Review
  • 1. Thick ivy covered the old gate.
A) old, gate
B) ivy, covered
C) the, old
D) think, old
  • 2. Mandy wore a white blouse, black pants, and professional high heels to her interview.
A) white, black, professional
B) Mandy, wore, high heels
C) blouse, pants, heels
D) wore, pants, blouse
  • 3. The baby was fussy and screamed loudly.
A) fussy, loudly
B) fussy, screamed
C) and, screamed
D) baby, screamed
  • 4. The candidate led a strong campaign, but the race was still close when the polls closed.
A) candidate, led
B) close, poll
C) strong, close
D) strong, campaign
  • 5. On Saturday, the police received three complaints about an alarming siren that woke up the sleepy neighborhood.
A) three, siren, woke
B) alarming, neighborhood
C) police, received, Saturday
D) three, alarming, sleepy
  • 6. Two bulldozers have been sitting in the empty lot of the mall for one week.
A) mall, one, week
B) two, bulldozers, sitting
C) bulldozers, mall
D) two, empty, one
  • 7. The lot was vacant until Ms. Almond bought it and built a small, cozy home on it.
A) cozy, home
B) vacant, small, cozy
C) Ms. Almond, bought, lot
D) lot, vacant
  • 8. The breeze carried the fragrant scent of lilacs through the open window.
A) scent, lilacs
B) breeze, carried
C) fragrant, open
  • 9. Mariah just started a new business selling handmade cards.
A) new, business
B) Mariah, cards
C) started, business
D) new, handmade
  • 10. Kevin was nervous to be the first performer of the night.
A) nervous, first
B) first, night
C) Kevin, nervous
D) nervous, performer
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