Red Writing Hood
  • 1. I only eat the peanuts after I ______ the shells.
A) circumstances
B) script
C) discard
D) acceptable
  • 2. Jake realized he had been unfair to his friend, and was very ___________.
A) triumphant
B) repentant
C) injustice
D) script
  • 3. Only under special _____________ will we be able to attend the school play.
A) circumstances
B) script
C) discards
D) purple
E) acceptable
  • 4. The actors have to study the __________ in order to learn their lines.
A) injustice
B) script
C) desperately
D) repentant
  • 5. He was underwater for so long, that he __________ needed to take a breath.
A) discards
B) desperately
C) rascally
D) triumphantly
  • 6. Punishing people for something they didn't do is an ___________.
A) acceptable
B) circumstance
C) injustice
D) script
  • 7. After winning the battle, the army marched through the city __________.
A) repentant
B) acceptable
C) triumphantly
D) desperately
  • 8. It is not ____________ to push and yell in the classroom.
A) acceptable
B) repentant
C) injustice
D) script
  • 9. Where does this play take place?
A) at Grandma's house
B) in a fairy tale
C) in a forest
D) a long time ago
  • 10. When the play first starts, Red Writing Hood is skipping and whistling a happy tune because she is _______________.
A) pretending she's not afraid
B) happy about visiting Grandma
C) walking in the woods, and just found $100
D) always in a good mood
  • 11. Red Writing Hood changes the play's script when the wolf appears because she __________
A) knows it will make the wolf angry, and there's nothing better than an angry wolf that wants to eat you!
B) wants to be a writer when she grows up
C) thinks the wolf would look better in pink
D) doesn't like the original plot
  • 12. Who is the first character Red meets after she meets the wolf?
A) Bo Peep
B) Cinderella
C) Goldilocks
D) Little Miss Muffet
  • 13. Who sits down beside Little Miss Muffet as she begins to eat?
A) Goldilocks
B) the spider
C) Prince Charming
D) Bo Peep
  • 14. Why does Mother Bear want to adopt Goldilocks?
A) Goldilocks is truly sorry for breaking the furniture
B) Goldilocks has become a cute little bear
C) Baby Bear has always wanted a sister
D) Mother Bear has always wanted a little girl
  • 15. What happens when Cinderella comes looking for Prince Charming?
A) Red Writing hood creates another prince
B) Bo Peep gets fifty new sheep
C) Miss Muffet brings him back for the ball
D) Cinderella becomes a cute little bear
  • 16. Goldilocks's parents are worried about her because she _____________.
A) has not come home yet
B) has changed her name
C) doesn't like the three bears
D) has broken more furniture
  • 17. When Red Writing Hood tries to make a final script change, she discovers that ____________.
A) everyone starts screaming
B) she has used up the eraser
C) the wolf is actually a pretty good dancer, but not quite as good as Mr. G. Man, that guy can really move.
D) FBI agents want to arrest her
  • 18. What do the agents want Red Writing Hood to do?
A) Hurry to Grandma's house
B) Learn to be a better writer.
C) Leave the original stories alone
D) Change the wolf back
  • 19. How do the agents fix things for everyone?
A) They give Red another eraser, so she can fix the stories.
B) They change all the stories back to their original plots.
C) They buy some popcorn, and share with everyone. Who doesn't love popcorn?
D) They arrest Red.
  • 20. What was it that Red Writing Hood forgot about her own fairy tale?
A) She gets lost.
B) The wolf is a vegetarian.
C) The wolf doesn't know the way to Grandmother's house.
D) The woodsman saves her and her grandmother in the end.
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