Coloring the Periodic Table Presentation
  • 1. Elements in the periodic table can be grouped together in families based on their ______________ properties.
A) chemical
B) element
C) physical
  • 2. True or false. Elements in each family react the differently with other elements.
A) True
B) False
  • 3. True or false. Hydrogen is a metal.
A) False
B) True
  • 4. On your periodic table, the alkali metals should be colored _______________.
A) green
B) yellow
C) red
D) blue
  • 5. Alkaline Earth metals are green on your periodic table. Alkaline Earth metals have two ___________ in their outer shell.
A) protons
B) electrons
C) neutrons
  • 6. True or false. Alkaline Earth metals conduct electricity.
A) False
B) True
  • 7. Transition metals are sometimes used at ____________.
A) brick
B) plastics
C) jewelry
  • 8. True or false. Transition metals are located in the middle of the periodic table, not on the ends.
A) False
B) True
  • 9. On your periodic table, the Boron family is colored _________.
A) yellow
B) green
C) red
D) blue
  • 10. Most elements in the Boron family are __________.
A) bricks
B) metals
C) plastics
D) rocks
  • 11. Carbon is abbreviated by using what letter of the alphabet?
A) C
B) K
C) A
D) N
  • 12. True or false. There are four electrons in the outer shell of carbon family elements.
A) False
B) True
  • 13. True or false. The Nitrogen family can share protons to form compounds.
A) False
B) True
  • 14. Members of the Oxygen family are very ___________.
A) reactive
B) still
  • 15. True or false. The Halogen family is very reactive.
A) True
B) False
  • 16. The 'Inert Gases' are also called the '__________ Gases.'
A) Studly
B) Gassy
C) Noble
  • 17. True or false. The Noble Gases do not react with other elements.
A) False
B) True
  • 18. Rare Earth Metals are located on the _______________ of the periodic table.
A) middle
B) bottom
C) top
  • 19. True or false. Rare Earth Metals are always colorful, they are not white and gray.
A) False
B) True
  • 20. True or false. Rare Earth Metals can conduct electricity.
A) False
B) True
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