Addition and Subtraction Equations
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
t + 7 = 12
t =
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
h - 3 = 8
h =
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
8 = b - 9
= b
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
k - 4 = -14
k =
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
m + 9 = -7
m =
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
y - 10 = -3
y =
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
-14 = 2 + d
= d
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
15 + n = 10
n =
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
-8 = r - 6
= r
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
11 = w - 5
= w
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
-9 = g + 9
= g
Fill in all of the missing steps  to solve the equation
12 + c = 16
c =
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