US Goverment
  • 1. Senators serve a term of _____ years.
A) four
B) unlimited
C) two
D) six
  • 2. The president serves a term of ____ years.
A) two
B) four
C) unlimited
D) six
  • 3. A Supreme Court Justice serves a term of _____ years.
A) unlimited
B) six
C) four
D) two
  • 4. The House of Representatives has ____ members than the Senate.
A) less
B) same
C) more
  • 5. The Supreme Court is part of the ______ branch.
A) Judicial
B) Legislative
C) Executive
D) Gelatinous
  • 6. The House of Representatives is part of the _____ branch.
A) Executive
B) Gelatinous
C) Legislative
D) Judicial
  • 7. The President is part of the _____ branch.
A) Judicial
B) Legislative
C) Gelatinous
D) Executive
  • 8. The power to veto a bill belongs to...
A) the Founding Fathers
B) the Supreme Court
C) the president
D) The Speaker of the House
  • 9. This branch writes and votes on bills.
A) Legislative
B) Judicial
C) Executive
D) Tree
  • 10. This branch decides what a law means and if it is fair.
A) Executive
B) Tree
C) Legislative
D) Judicial
  • 11. This branch includes the Commander and Chief of the US Armed Forces
A) Legislative
B) Executive
C) Tree
D) Judicial
  • 12. All people in this branch are NOT elected by voters.
A) Executive
B) Judicial
C) Legislative
D) Tree
  • 13. The president is elected to office by____
A) the senate
B) the Commander and Chief
C) the electoral college
D) popular vote
  • 14. A Senator is elected to office by_____
A) voters from part of their state
B) popularity
C) the senate
D) all the voters in their state
  • 15. A representative is elected to office by____
A) voters from part of their state
B) The House of Representatives
C) popularity
D) all the voters in their state
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