Punctuation Test
  • 1. How do you label the title of a book?
A) Quotation Marks
B) Underline or italicize only the important words.
C) Underline or Italics
D) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
  • 2. How do you label the title of an article?
A) Underline or italicize only the important words.
B) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
C) Underline or Italics
D) Quotation Marks
  • 3. How do you label the title of a poem?
A) Quotation Marks
B) Underline or Italics
C) Underline or italicize only the important words.
D) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
  • 4. How do you label the title of a magazine?
A) Underline or Italics
B) Underline or italicize only the important words.
C) Quotation Marks
D) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
  • 5. How do you label the title of a short story?
A) Underline or italicize only the important words.
B) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
C) Underline or Italics
D) Quotation Marks
  • 6. How do you label the title of a song?
A) Underline or Italics
B) Underline or italicize only the important words.
C) Quotation Marks
D) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
  • 7. How do you label the title of a chapter?
A) Underline or italicize only the important words.
B) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
C) Underline or Italics
D) Quotation Marks
  • 8. How do you label the title of a movie?
A) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
B) Quotation Marks
C) Underline or italicize only the important words.
D) Underline or Italics
  • 9. How do you label the title of a three act play?
A) Underline or italicize only the important words.
B) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
C) Quotation Marks
D) Underline or Italics
  • 10. How do you label the title of a TV show?
A) Underline or italicize only the important words.
B) Quotation Marks
C) Underline or Italics
D) Book titles do not need special puncutation.
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