Inherited Traits
  • 1. Many characteristics of organisms are past on to their
A) inherited
B) offspring
C) scientist
  • 2. A characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring is an
A) inherited being
B) inherited scientist
C) inherited trait
  • 3. Two brown-haired human parents might have a child with
A) brown hair
B) blond hair
C) orange hair
  • 4. Some behaviors are also
A) traits
B) dominant
C) inherited
  • 5. Gregor Mendel was a monk and
A) barber
B) baker
C) scientist
  • 6. Gregor Mendel observed that some____ plants were tall while others were ______
A) rose, short
B) tulip, short
C) pea, short
  • 7. In 1857 Mendel began experimenting by breeding different pea plants. This is called _________________.
A) crosstraining
B) cross-inheritance
C) crossbreeding
  • 8. Mendel hypothesized that every trait is controlled by a pair of ________.
A) factors
B) results
C) traits
  • 9. In peas, tallness is a strong trait, or _________ trait.
A) recessive
B) neither
C) dominant
  • 10. Shortness is a weak trait, or ___________ trait.
A) neither
B) dominant
C) recessive
  • 11. ___________ contain the DNA codes for all the traits an organism inherits.
A) genes
B) recessive
C) dominant
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