Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears Comprehension
  • 1. Everything he said is ____________ because the facts in his story make no sense.
A) nonsense
B) council
C) tidbit
D) mischief
  • 2. The little boy has a silly grin on his face, so he may be up to some ___________.
A) duty
B) mischief
C) satisfied
D) tidbit
  • 3. It is the children's _______ to follow the school rules.
A) duty
B) satisfied
C) mischief
D) council
  • 4. The ____________ voted to build a new school.
A) mischief
B) nonsense
C) council
D) tidbit
  • 5. Are you ____________ with the story you're writing?
A) satisfied
B) duty
C) council
D) nonsense
  • 6. There is only a _____________ of meat left in the pan.
A) council
B) mischief
C) tidbit
D) satisfied
  • 7. This story is told to explain ____________.
A) why iguanas always have sticks in their ears
B) why mosquitos buzz in people's ears
C) why yams are so tasty
D) why owls hoot
  • 8. Why does the iguana think that the mosquito's story is nonsense?
A) Yams and mosquitoes are the same size.
B) Yams are always smaller than mosquitoes.
C) Mosquitoes are tiny compared to yams.
D) There is no such thing as a yam.
  • 9. The iguana puts sticks in his ears because _____.
A) the mosquito is buzzing around in his ears
B) he is trying to be funny
C) he doesn't want to hear what the mosquito is saying
D) the mosquito is talking too loudly and too fast
  • 10. The iguana "went off, mek, mek, mek." In the story, the words mek and kirk are ________.
A) how things taste
B) the different things animals smell
C) how the animals sound when they move
D) what the animals see
  • 11. Who warns the other animals of danger?
A) the python and the rabbit
B) the mosquito and the iguana
C) King Lion and the owl
D) the crow and the monkey
  • 12. The monkey leaps "kili wili through the trees". In this story, kili wili means _______
A) quietly
B) excitedly
C) easily
D) calmly
  • 13. How does King Lion find out why the sun is still sleeping?
A) He brings the mosquito before the council.
B) He asks each animal what has happened?
C) He searches for the mosquito, who is hiding.
D) He asks the owlets.
  • 14. The iguana doesn't speak to the python because the iguana _______.
A) is planning some mischief
B) is in a hurry
C) can't hear with sticks in his ears
D) is mad at the snake
  • 15. The author repeated some lines in story to make the ______.
A) story difficult to read
B) story easier to read
C) story longer
D) story fun to read
  • 16. Which sentence best tells about the mosquito?
A) She is very brave.
B) She causes trouble on purpose.
C) She tries to do good for others.
D) She still whines in people's ears.
  • 17. At the end of the story, what does KPAO! stand for?
A) a word meaning "yes"
B) the sound of someone shouting
C) the sound of someone slapping at a mosquito
D) the sound of a mosquito buzzing
  • 18. "Coyote Places the Stars" and "Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears" are similar because both stories _________.
A) are humorous and have nonsense verses
B) have animal characters and explain about something in nature
C) are about real animals and are factual
D) are like a science textbook
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