RDR #15 ~The Sandcastle
  • 1. It said in the selection, "Billy felt like he was on top of the world." What type of figurative language is being used?
A) alliteration
B) onomatopoeia
C) idiom
D) metaphor
  • 2. What sport was Billy good at doing?
A) basketball
B) baseball
C) golf
D) swimming
  • 3. What was the problem in this selection?
A) Billy lost his voice and was not going to be able to be in the talent show.
B) He was not selected to be on the championship team.
C) He became sick from eating too quickly at lunch.
D) Billy was involved in an accident that made him limp.
  • 4. Where was Billy's favorite place to go?
A) the mountains
B) the city park
C) the museum
D) the beach
  • 5. Which was the second animal or creature that Billy helped?
A) turtle
B) starfish
C) lobster
D) crab
  • 6. Where did Billy enjoy spending his time to think and rest?
A) on the porch of his house
B) beneath a maple tree
C) near his mother's flower garden
D) on a wrecked ship
  • 7. Why did King Neptune help Billy?
A) The King always wanted to help those who were sick or injured.
B) King Neptune had seen the kind acts that Billy had done.
C) It was Billy's birthday.
D) He saw that Billy was having a hard time using his crutches.
  • 8. What is the genre of this selection?
A) fantasy
B) realistic fiction
C) science fiction
D) nonfiction
  • 9. What is the adjective in the following sentence? "Billy watched the turtle paddle its rubbery flippers through the water."
A) through
B) watched
C) water
D) rubbery
  • 10. What lesson did King Neptune try to help Billy learn?
A) Be patient and enjoy nature.
B) Follow directions and listen carefully.
C) Always be kind those you meet.
D) Not to waste time wanting for something that is not meant to be.
  • 11. What is the author's purpose for writing this story?
A) to teach us about King Neptune
B) to give information about using crutches at the beach
C) to persuade us to build sandcastles the next time we go to the beach
D) for pleasure for us to read
  • 12. What is a synonym for the underlined word in paragraph 6?
A) firm
B) stiff
C) drooping
D) sturdy
  • 13. Which of the following story events could NOT really happen?
A) King Neptune helped Billy build a sandcastle.
B) Billy would probably always walk with a limp.
C) Reporters took pictures of Billy and the sandcastle.
D) Billy hit the winning home run for his team.
  • 14. What did Billy return to the beach each year to do?
A) have his picture taken by reporters
B) visit with King Neptune
C) build sandcastles
D) sail on a fishing boat
  • 15. What is the sense/sensory word in paragraph 6?
A) sight/glistening
B) taste/salty
C) touch/rubbery
D) sound/thunderous
  • 16. Put the events in the order they happened.

    a. Billy saw a man sitting on his boat.

    b. Reporters took photos.

    c. Billy saved a starfish.

    d. King Neptune and Billy watched the sandcastle disappear into the sea.
A) b, c, b, a
B) d, a, c, b
C) a, b, c, d
D) c, a, b, d
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