Vocabulary 2
  • 1. Which word correctly completes the sentence? Which is _____ favorite flavor of ice cream?
A) youre
B) your
C) none of the above
D) you're
  • 2. She had to remind him to be there at 1 p.m. Remind means...
A) say once
B) listen to
C) tell again
D) mind again
  • 3. My brother boasted about his good grades. Boasted means...
A) cried
B) lied
C) told
D) bragged
  • 4. What was the cause of the traffic accident? Cause means...
A) reason
B) case
C) place
D) problem
  • 5. We _____ all day to finish painting the house. Which word means worked?
A) painted
B) labored
C) observed
D) tried
  • 6. Their flight was set to _____ on Friday. Which word means leave?
A) return
B) arrive
C) depart
D) begin
  • 7. Mary had to _____ Mr. Reynolds with the science experiment. Which word means help?
A) assist
B) explain
C) define
D) complete
  • 8. What does busiest mean?
A) the most busy
B) more busy
C) not busy
D) the act of being busy
  • 9. What does the worthless mean?
A) without worth
B) worth more
C) full of worth
D) worth the most
  • 10. What does meaningful mean?
A) without meaning
B) full of meaning
C) the opposite of meaning
D) capable of meaning
  • 11. What does disassociate mean?
A) to not associate with
B) to associate with beforehand
C) to associate with
D) to associate with after
  • 12. What does guiltily mean?
A) full of guilt
B) without guilt
C) more guilty
D) in a guilty way
  • 13. Which word means the same as dull?
A) interesting
B) boring
C) shy
D) new
  • 14. `]klnuhich word means the same as peer?
A) think
B) look
C) hear
D) drive
  • 15. Which word means the same as burst?
A) combine
B) last
C) explode
D) worst
  • 16. To offer something is to _____ it.
A) see
B) make
C) take
D) give
  • 17. To request something is to _____ it.
A) break
B) describe
C) ask for
D) tell about
  • 18. Something that happened previously happened in the _____.
A) past
B) future
C) never happened
D) present
  • 19. Which word means the opposite of the capitalized word? The time passed RAPIDLY during the test.
A) nearly
B) quickly
C) slowly
D) hurriedly
  • 20. Which word means the opposite of the capitalized word. Her injuries were \YghjqEVERE.
A) serious
B) mild
C) several
D) harsh
  • 21. Which word means the opposite of the capitalized word? The stain VAUR`aejISHED after I washed my shirt.
A) disappeared
B) appeared
C) left
D) arrived
  • 22. ]Zhikrhe opposite of rarely is _____.
A) sometimes
B) never
C) once
D) often
  • 23. The opposite of succeed is _____.
A) complete
B) fail
C) accomplish
D) try
  • 24. Which of these words probably comes from the Greek word gloss, which means language?
A) gloomy
B) glossy
C) colossal
D) glossary
  • 25. Which of these words probably comes from the Latin word roti, which means wheel or turn?
A) rot
B) rotate
C) root
D) rotten
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