Graphing Systems of Equations
Solution= (
y = ⅓x - 3
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
y = - 
x + 3
y = 4x + 3
Solution= (
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
y = -x - 2
y = -½x - 1 And y = ¼x - 4
Solution= (
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
y = 3x - 4  and  y = -½x + 3
Solution= (
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
y = -1 and y = -
Solution= (
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
x + 4
Solution = 
y = -2x + 2  and y = -2x - 2
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
y = -½x - 2  and  y = -
Solution= (
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
x + 2
y = ⅓x - 3  and  y = -x + 1
Solution= (
Graph on graph paper! Turn in to get credit!
Solve each systems of equations.  
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