A Lesson from the Birds Quiz
  • 1. What BEST describes the setting of this story?
A) In the winter; under an oak tree
B) In the south; by a large oak tree
C) An autumn day; in the countryside
D) In the winter; in the countryside
  • 2. Which word is NOT an example of onomatopoeia?
A) Buzz
B) Trap
C) Snap
D) Peck
  • 3. What was the birds' problem in paragraph 3?
A) They were trapped in a net.
B) They were lost.
C) They couldn't find food.
D) They forgot how to fly.
  • 4. What did the birds do right after a large oak tree was spotted?
A) They started to 'peck'.
B) They saw a trap.
C) They landed.
D) They started to eat.
  • 5. Choose the verb that shows the INCORRECT past tense. The present tense is shown first followed by the past tense.
A) eat; ate
B) try; tried
C) fly; flew
D) tap; taped
  • 6. Which homophone sequence makes this sentence correct?
    Because ----- hungry, they stop to eat. They find ----- food under a tree. ----- is a net above them.
A) their; there; they're
B) they're; there; their
C) there; their; they're
D) they're; their; there
  • 7. Which word BEST describes the leader?
A) nervous
B) clever
C) happy
D) lonely
  • 8. Who figured out how to free the birds from the net?
A) the mouse
B) the leader
C) the hunter
D) all of the birds
  • 9. What lesson can be learned from this story?
A) Hunters shouldn't catch animals in nets.
B) Mice are smart and kind.
C) Birds teach each other how to fly.
D) Birds fly south for the winter.
E) Working as a team gets the job done.
  • 10. This reading selection is a -----
A) fable
B) myth
C) legend
D) fairy tale
  • 11. The birds were flapping their wings harder and faster at the same time to ----
A) lift the net
B) see their friend, the mouse
C) find more food
D) continue their journey south
  • 12. In which paragraph do the birds use perseverance and cooperation?
A) 3
B) 1
C) 2
D) 5
E) 4
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