2nd Grade Science 2009
  • 1. a tool used to show if two objects are equal in weight
A) solid
B) substance
C) balance
  • 2. metric unit used to measure length; used internationally as standard measure for science
A) liquid
B) meter
C) surface
  • 3. a metric unit of length; one hundred of these in a meter
A) centimeter
B) conclusion
C) meter
  • 4. a characteristic, attribute or trait
A) living
B) properties
C) observe
  • 5. the sequence of changes that a living thing goes through as it grows and develops
A) substance
B) life cycle
C) observe
  • 6. the ability to have force, or power, to do work
A) energy
B) predict
C) investigate
  • 7. a a diagram, or drawing, that shows information and the relationshjips between pieces of that information
A) substance
B) observe
C) graph
  • 8. to state information, ahead of time; part of scientific process
A) predict
B) erosion
C) energy
  • 9. the state of the atmosphere; at a given time and place
A) weather
B) landforms
C) liquid
  • 10. a sheet that gives information in the form of a table or graph
A) chart
B) substance
C) hypothesis
  • 11. the wearing away of the Earth's surface by wind or water
A) conclusion
B) erosion
C) energy
  • 12. facts, figures, or other pieces of information; used to compare or analyze
A) procedure
B) meter
C) data
  • 13. something that makes a person, or thing, different from others
A) characteristics
B) graphs
C) liquid
  • 14. to watch with care
A) observe
B) compost
C) conclusion
  • 15. to look at closely to get information and learn the facts
A) erosion
B) liquid
C) investigate
  • 16. alive; refers to things that are not dead
A) predict
B) living
C) properties
  • 17. a form of matter that can flow; takes the shape of the container
A) solid
B) liquid
C) landforms
  • 18. not alive; non- means not
A) non-living
B) surface
C) graph
  • 19. having a firm shape or form that can be measured in length, width, and height
A) solid
B) meter
C) liquid
  • 20. Earth's features, such as a hill or valley, that have been formed by natural forces
A) life cycle
B) hypothesis
C) landforms
  • 21. a mixture of decaying organic things that improve soil and add nutrients
A) substance
B) erosion
C) compost
  • 22. an organism that breaks down dead plants and animals into nutrients
A) decomposer
B) liquid
C) living
  • 23. statement of opinion or decisions reached at the end of an experiment or investigation
A) procedure
B) hypothesis
C) conclusion
  • 24. the outside layer of an object; can be flat or curved
A) balance
B) graph
C) surface
  • 25. what something is made of; physical matter, or material
A) meter
B) substance
C) surface
  • 26. something in its natural state that has economic value; such as timber, fresh water, cotton, wool etc.
A) thermometer
B) natural resource
C) landforms
  • 27. a series of steps taken to complete something
A) conclusion
B) observe
C) procedure
  • 28. an instrument for measuring temperature
A) predict
B) thermometer
C) compost
  • 29. a guess about how or why something happens; before experiment or investigation
A) conclusion
B) hypothesis
C) life cycle
  • 30. living things must have these to survive
A) basis needs
B) compost
C) weather
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