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"The Dinner Party"
Prispevano od: Thomas
  • 1. Mrs. Wynnes knew that a cobra was in the room because she...
A) noticed it crawl under the table
B) saw it in the rafters
C) felt it on her foot
  • 2. The American didn't warn the guests about the cobra because he...
A) was too frightened to say anything
B) wasn't sure that a cobra was actually in the room
C) feared that any noise or movement would cause the cobra to strike
  • 3. The colonel believed that, in a crisis, a woman would...
A) remain quite calm
B) always panic
C) show more control than a man
  • 4. The cobra came out because it was...
A) awakened by the sound of the American counting
B) frightened by the guests
C) attracted by the milk
  • 5. A large dinner party took place in a spacious dining room. What is the meaning of the word 'spacious'?
A) shabby or run-down
B) fashionable
C) great or vast
D) tiny or small
  • 6. The American's first impulse was to warn the others. Which of the following best defines the word 'impulse'?
A) attempt or try
B) instinct or urge
C) information or knowledge
  • 7. Anyone who moved would forfeit fifty rupees. The word 'forfeit' means...
A) borrow
B) surrender
C) display
D) earn
  • 8. At the count of 280, the American saw the cobra emerge. Which phrase best defines the word 'emerge'?
A) suddently strike
B) come into view
C) blend into its surroundings
D) slip slowly away
  • 9. What happened last in the plot of the story?
A) The cobra moved toward the veranda doors.
B) The American began to count to three hundred.
C) A young girl argued with a colonel.
  • 10. Which sentence best characterizes Mrs. Wynnes?
A) She was a poor hostess.
B) She talked a lot but never listened.
C) She was calm and courageous.
D) She was easily frightened.
  • 11. "The Dinner Party" is set in...
A) Ireland
B) the United States
C) India
D) England
  • 12. Which sentence best expresses the theme of the story?
A) Your gender has no impact on how courageous you are.
B) Men are more courageous than women.
C) Women are calmer than men.
  • 13. The use of third-person point of view in this story makes the reader feel like a...
A) friend
B) spectator
C) relative
D) participant
  • 14. What is the initiating event for this story?
A) the guests screaming as the veranda doors close
B) the American's challenge for the guests to keep still
C) the Indian boy placing milk on the veranda
D) the change in expression on the face of the hostess
  • 15. Which detail about the setting contributes to the plot of the story?
A) India is located in Southern Asia.
B) Cobras live in India.
C) The plant life in India is very exot
D) India is the second-most populous country in the world.
  • 16. What does the author mean by the prase "jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse" in paragraph 2?
A) a quick movement
B) an athletic response
C) an appropriate activity
D) a fearful reaction
  • 17. What does the author mean by the phrase "like stone images" in paragraph 9?
A) as large as statues
B) without any life
C) appearing to shift
D) without moving
  • 18. What is a theme of this story?
A) A large group of guests can be difficult to manage.
B) Beware of snakes under the dinner table.
C) A calm reaction to a crisis is the best choice.
D) Men usually react better in a crisis situation.
  • 19. Why is the hostess's reaction to the snake important to the story?
A) She is able to focus on her guests.
B) The character of the native boy is introduced.
C) It reinforces the colonel's view.
D) It offers proof to end the discussion.
  • 20. How would the story have been different if it had been told from the hostess's point of view?
A) Readers would have been aware of the snake's location earlier.
B) The story would have been much more dramatic.
C) The story would have included a description of the dinner menu.
D) Readers would not have known why the milk was placed outside.
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