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Compound Area Geometry Quiz
Prispevano od: Frazier
Be sure to shade your final score on your weekly
assessment graph. 
Standard MCC6.G.1 Quiz

Area of Composite Figures
What is the area of the street sign?
A triangular street sign has a base of 30 inches and 
a height of 24 inches. 

Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
24 in
30 in 
 360 square inches
114 square inches
54 square inches
720 square inches
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2

Mr. Jameson drew a figure on the dry erase board in the 

shape of a trapezoid. The trapezoid is 7 inches tall. The bases 

are 30 inches and 18 inches. What is the area of the figure that

 Mr. Jamerson drew?

7 in
18 in
30 in
84 square inches
55 square inches
168 square inches
336 square inches
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
60 in2
50 in2
41 in2
 39 in2
An artist is using tiles in the shape of a parallelogramto make a mosiac. The tiles have the dimensions shownbelow. What is the area of the tile?
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
What is the area of the playgound?
196 in2
 112 in2
42 in2
124 in2
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
Total Area
Fill in the area of each
shape and the total 
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
What is the area of this composite
30 mi2
24 mi2
 28 mi2
40 mi2
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
Find the area of a square that has a side length of
14sq. units
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
Triangle: A = (b • h) ÷ 2           Rectangle: A = b • h          Square: A = s2 or s • s          
Parallelogram: A = b • h           Trapezoid: A = (b1 + b2 • h                                                                                 2
You Have completed your assessment. 
Be sure to chart your final score on your weeklyassessment graph. 
If your grade was an 80% or better practice anythingof your choosing. 
If you did not meet the 80% goal practice finding the Area of plane figures
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