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9.4 Solving by Factoring v2
Prispevano od: Black
Solving Quadratics
    by Factoring
y = x2 - 10x + 16
If there are factors whose product equals 0, this means
that either one or both factors are also equal to 0.
When solving quadratics by factoring, set each factor 
equal to zero and solve.
*Write the smaller numbers in the first blank.
1.  y = x (x - 7)
2. y = (x + 4) (x + 9)
3. y = 2x2 +11x + 12
4. y = x2 + 2x - 3
5. y = x2 - 5x - 66
*Write any fractions using the / sign.
6. y = 2x2 - x - 10
7. y = 3x2 - 26x + 35
8. The height of a baseball hit by a player is modeled
by  y=-x2-12x+28, where y represents the heightof the baseball (in feet), and x represents the time (inseconds).
Find the time when the ball hits the ground again.
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