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Digestive System Vocabulary Test
Prispevano od: Anderson
  • 1. ___________ means to take from one place to another.
A) transport
B) absorb
C) stomach
D) saliva
  • 2. ___________ means to take in or soak up (like a sponge).
A) saliva
B) absorb
C) transport
D) colon
  • 3. The ___________ (also known as the large intestine) is the organ that absorbs water that is left and leaves waste behind.
A) esophagus
B) small intestine
C) stomach
D) colon
  • 4. The ____________ is one of the organs in the digestive system. It is a muscular sac that churns and mixes food.
A) large intestine
B) small intestine
C) colon
D) stomach
  • 5. A chemical that plant or animals need to be healthy and grow strong is called a ______________.
A) absorb
B) transport
C) nutrient
D) saliva
  • 6. This is a part of the body that has a particular function. Some of the ___________ that make up the digestive system are the esophagus, liver, stomach, and intestines.
A) absorb
B) colon
C) organs
D) digestive system
  • 7. The muscular passage that transports food to the stomach after it has been swallowed is called the ____________.
A) stomach
B) esophagus
C) colon
D) saliva
  • 8. _____________ is a synonym for spit. It is the clear liquid that is made in your mouth and makes food wet so that it is easier to follow.
A) Stomach
B) Colon
C) Saliva
D) Esophagus
  • 9. One of the organs that is a part of the digestive system is a very long and narrow tube. It is where food is absorbed. The organ is called the ________________.
A) esophagus
B) small intestine
C) stomach
D) colon
  • 10. The process of breaking down food into simple substances the body can use is called ____________________.
A) transport
B) absorb
C) digestive system
D) small intestine
  • 11. BONUS: What is the first step of the digestive process
A) Food ends up in the small intestine.
B) Food travels through the esophagus.
C) Food waste leaves the body.
D) Food is chewed up.
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