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Scientific Notation -- Getting Ready to Add/Subtract
Prispevano od: Knarr
This lesson practices changing numbers that are inscientific notation so that they can be added or subtracted to other numbers in scientific notation.
Scientific Notation
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
4.51 x 104 =
x 103
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
2.56 x 109 =
x 106
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
3.4 x 107 =
x 106
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
4.251 x 10-4 =
x 10-2
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
6.07 x 106 =
x 108
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
9.254 x 109 =
x 108
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
5.35 x 103 =
x 104
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
3 x 102 =
x 105
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
2.12 x 105 =
x 107
Change the number so that it has the power of 10 
that is given.
4.51 x 104 =
x 103
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